Inspirations:Rivera Sun, "I used to think of love as a side dish to social political change – the green beans next to the meat and potatoes of power and struggle. But, . . .
LINK to webpage LINK to pdf file Dan Rather, "Cruel and unusual," the phrase rings in my head as I read the press reports of President Donald Trump's proposed budget. But to even talk about it as a budget is to miss the point. It is not a budget. It is a philosophy, . . more LINK to webpsge LINK to pdf file |
How Can We Help Sisters in Elected Office?
June 17th
5 pm PST, 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST, 8 pm EST online 1 hour Deep Roots Gathering CLICK/LEARN MORE Sponsored by A Mystic's View Patreons Barbara Anne Ferris will be our presentor During this hour presentation, Barbara Anne will share stories of her work with women around the world. These monthly gatherings use the model of Collaborative Creating which includes deep listening, authentic sharing, respectful participation as we learn of the rich experiences that can bring . There will also be time for participation beyond listening to gain new insight and solutions. It is Time to Wake Up and Remember Our Promise!
June 22
9 am PST, 10 am MST, 11 am CST, 12 pm EST Our Ancient Contracts to Our Sisters CLICK/LEARN MORE Online Conversation Circle Our Ancestral mothers met in circle and created a plan to preserve their strengths while searching for ways to identify and remove the energies of domination that were invading Mother Earth in devastating ways. Waking up to those plans and contracts is critical for the changes our families and world needs. White sisters, what have you forgotten about that promise? The Female Purpose.
The Lilith story that I was told by my spiritual teachers in the unseen worlds is different than written in books.
First, there was a greater purpose for the Earth experience. The Judeo-Christian stories are small slices of the story and even false stories. The souls coming into Female and Male bodies had specific purpose in that purpose. Those in a Female body had great freedom, enhanced discernment, assignment to design the cultures in which they lived, i.e. the garden, and the authority to command. |
There were more than one “couple” in the initial inhabiting of this planet. And more than one “couple” in the villages.
The Lilith experience tells of one Female who was approached by the beings whose agendas were to use others. Parasitic by nature, they had inserted their presence into the Divine life flow well before earth and were causing great damage within the Divine families. The souls who chose to inhabit Female bodysuits in the Earth plan, were charged with identifying them by their “energy” harmonics and commanding their removal back to their own original home. Thus, ending the destructions and death they were causing as a result of their agendas. The serpent represents Wisdom, Sophia, the holder of that mission. Once the “gardens” were designed and flourishing, those Divine souls were assured support for their assignments. At that point, in the various villages, the Female mission of discernment and command was to be anchored and activated. In the Lilith story, we see an example of one response to the awareness of the invitation to willingly bow down to those of the domination/parasitic agenda. Lilith would not let go of her assignment to discern the energy of that which would enhance her village vs. the energy that would entrap her village represented by the serpent. The story does not indicate that she stepped into the position to command the removal at those dominators back to their home of origin. We do see, however, that intentional targeting to diminish the Female. Perhaps Lilith represents the rebel who sees the “craziness” of certain ideas and behaviors and will not back down. That part of the assignment is for Females in our time to awaken to and complete. |
Our intention is to bring Spiritual processes in collaborative support to plans, organization, actions that are being planned. You are KEY to identifying them.
Keep your eyes open and when you become aware of such plans, please send them to the Circle facilitator and they will be brought into our Circle call.
If someone in the Circle identifies an individual or group who could use our combined blessing independent of the call, please make note of that. Then, a notice will be sent via email and we can each work with our Higher Guidance in behalf of the need.
Keep your eyes open and when you become aware of such plans, please send them to the Circle facilitator and they will be brought into our Circle call.
If someone in the Circle identifies an individual or group who could use our combined blessing independent of the call, please make note of that. Then, a notice will be sent via email and we can each work with our Higher Guidance in behalf of the need.
I will be holding space for this circle on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6 pm PT. Follow your own guidance as to how often you feel to commit to being on the call.
Here is the LINK to our Circle in the Zoom platform. You can Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
By iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,846372336#
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 846 372 336
Here is the LINK to our Circle in the Zoom platform. You can Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
By iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,846372336#
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 846 372 336
Power of a Women’s Circle

There is an old magic that is reawakened in a circle of women. A serpent of wisdom coils herself around the throats of those who sit in the spiraled dome.
She is called from ancestors past and blesses the voices of the ladies who bow to her grace.
Hurricanes of heroic emotion poured into this spiraled mouth.
Unfiltered. Honest.
Each queen inhaling the other’s breathe.
They share breath.
They share a heart.
She shares her Self.
There is an old magic that is spoken in the circle of women. Stories of pain are weaved with wells of love, knitted with tightly bound secrets.
These are the secrets of women.
Secrets that create worlds.
Secrets that spellbind men.
Secrets that shake shadows.
These spoken words are the milk they bathe their spirits in.
A vibration of wizardry that is swallowed through the chest, sung through throat and cackled out of the belly.
Ah, the cackles. Witch’s medicine.
Heads thrown backwards, forwards, sideways and twisted into one another with orgasms of laughter.
Bodies jolted, tresses whipped and dripped, chakras reunited and hips opened.
They are wild once more.
Animal totems step forth as walls disappear.
There is no time. No place. Only spirits.
Only women.
Only a magic that is so old it was carved by the stars.
A sorcery of sacredness that has long been swimming in their blood.
There is an old magic that still exists in the circles of women. It is here.
It is to be honored and sealed by the devotion of sisters under the watchful protection of Luna.
It is a seeker’s practice.
It is for the maiden, mother and crone.
It is tradition.
It is connection.
It is history.
It is yours.
Step into the women’s circle and you shall know it’s secrets.
Become the women’s circle and you shall hold it’s magic.
Author: Tara Minshull
May 23, 2015
She is called from ancestors past and blesses the voices of the ladies who bow to her grace.
Hurricanes of heroic emotion poured into this spiraled mouth.
Unfiltered. Honest.
Each queen inhaling the other’s breathe.
They share breath.
They share a heart.
She shares her Self.
There is an old magic that is spoken in the circle of women. Stories of pain are weaved with wells of love, knitted with tightly bound secrets.
These are the secrets of women.
Secrets that create worlds.
Secrets that spellbind men.
Secrets that shake shadows.
These spoken words are the milk they bathe their spirits in.
A vibration of wizardry that is swallowed through the chest, sung through throat and cackled out of the belly.
Ah, the cackles. Witch’s medicine.
Heads thrown backwards, forwards, sideways and twisted into one another with orgasms of laughter.
Bodies jolted, tresses whipped and dripped, chakras reunited and hips opened.
They are wild once more.
Animal totems step forth as walls disappear.
There is no time. No place. Only spirits.
Only women.
Only a magic that is so old it was carved by the stars.
A sorcery of sacredness that has long been swimming in their blood.
There is an old magic that still exists in the circles of women. It is here.
It is to be honored and sealed by the devotion of sisters under the watchful protection of Luna.
It is a seeker’s practice.
It is for the maiden, mother and crone.
It is tradition.
It is connection.
It is history.
It is yours.
Step into the women’s circle and you shall know it’s secrets.
Become the women’s circle and you shall hold it’s magic.
Author: Tara Minshull
May 23, 2015